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BodySmith Blog

Scott’s Top 10 Lifts You NEED to Know: #6 Land-Mine (Back) Row

Why it made the list (Why you should do them):  Bent rows such as the "Land-Mine Row" are superior to traditional seated rows in that they require the use of more stabilizing muscles (back extensors, abdominals, hips). Regardless of the many variations, rows in general are a staple in all resistance programs because of the multiple, large muscles that they activate (lats, traps, biceps, posterior delts, rhomboids). These muscles shape the upper and mid-back and add symmetry, strength, and stability to the shoulder. How to do them properly:  - Take your grip (neutral grip in the case of the land-mine) and stand up...

Scott’s Top 10 Lifts You NEED to Know: #7 Upright Row

Why it made the list (Why you should do them):  Upright rows are a compound movement that engage the deltoids, trapezius, and biceps. This "pulling" movement adds a nice variety to the many "push" movements and straight arm raises that are traditionally used for shoulder development. How to do them properly:  - Whether you use a parallel or staggered stance is really just personal preference here. Regardless, keep your knees "soft" and don't allow your body to tip backwards (so keep your abs drawn-in). - Take an overhand grip on your barbell (you may also use dumbbells or tubing) with your hands placed just inside of...

Scott’s Top 10 Lifts You NEED to Know: #8 Lunges

Why it made the list (Why you should do them):  In order to make my top 10 list, an exercise needs to work multiple-muscle groups at once. The lunge is no exception. When executed with proper technique, this lower body move works the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. These three groups are all significant in size, which means higher calorie expenditure and higher intensity levels can both be achieved. In addition to all that, a high level of core stabilization is needed in order to maintain proper hip position and upper body posture, making the lunge even more valuable to your leg workout regimen. How...

Scott’s Top 10 Lifts you NEED to Know: #9 Parallel Bar Dips

Why it made the list (Why you should do them):  Isolated tricep extension exercises are effective at sculpting and strengthening the back of your arms but why not also get the benefit of working your chest and shoulders? Due to its multi-joint action, higher intensity level and more functional design, this compound movement makes the list at #9. Dips can be performed on parallel bars (as my video will demonstrate) but can be progressed to more unstable equipment such as rings and alternatively regressed to assisted machines/bands, or done on a bench with your feet on the floor. How to do them properly:    [embedplusvideo height="315" width="450" editlink="http://bit.ly/Q7YRFk" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/O7XeVtEpXj8?fs=1"...

Scott’s Top 10 Lifts You NEED to Know! #10: Reverse Abdominal Crunches

Why it made the list (Why you should do them): Crunches in general are a little over-rated in my personal opinion. I've always felt like the best "Core" exercises are the ones that require you to squeeze your abs so tight in order to maintain technique while you are lifting something extremely heavy (Squats, Deadlifts, Olympic Lifts, etc). With that being said, those outer abs (the six pack) can be further accentuated and developed by doing high intensity crunch work and that is just what the reverse abdominal family of exercises can do. Hanging knee tucks, TRX prone crunches, and leg...

Overcome 4 Massive Motivation Killers

        “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.” ~Robert H. Schuller For the entirety of my life I have had an external source of structure. I’ve very much thrived when both guided and held accountable by others. You could say that I’m a “systems” friendly person and have always felt safe and secure when I can simply follow the guidelines or instructions and then arrive at the intended destination. The only problem is that I didn’t always create the “intended” destination. In fact, it usually wasn’t even where I wanted to be. It was where I thought I should be. So...

Navigating the Aisles: Organic Foods

Navigating the Aisles: Organic Foods By: Dianna Sinni   With the organic industry booming, it’s easy to assume organic is synonymous with healthier. It's as if organic cake mix is all of a sudden a viable source for vitality simply because the box is green. Even though this organic treat is free from GMOs (genetically modified organisms), artificial additives, and harsh pesticides, it’s probably high in refined sugar, sodium, saturated fat and lacking in nourishing fiber, vitamins and minerals. When compared to a conventionally grown apple, it should be obvious that the apple is still a healthier choice-even not being organic. The USDA organic...

Interview with a Trainer: Scott Smith

I have been getting asked a lot this summer, "what do you eat?" and "what's your workout routine?" As an extension of an article I wrote back in May, I thought I would share in more detail what my fitness and nutrition regimen look like. Feel free to copy it as much as you like and if you are already a client of mine then this should all look pretty familiar.     SCOTT SMITH: Quick Stats: Age: 32 Height: 5'9'' Weight: 162 lbs.   How did you get started with weight training? It may sound crazy but I fell in love with weight training from the very start. Back in...

Fitness Action Item #1: Steal Something

In the fitness world, there are a lot of options these day. The famous "paradox of decision." Meant to give us a better experience through more choices, but more often than not leaves us with paralysis by analysis. So when in doubt, simply steal the routine of the physical specimen you admire the most, and just get going! While I believe that staying consistent with an exercise routine and diet plan is the biggest obstacle for most people, I have found that almost an equal amount of folks will put off working out all together because they simply don't know where...

Debunking the myth of “Lifting low rep will make you bulky. Lift high reps to get cut.”

I overhear it all the time. By men. Women. Novices. Even trainers. "Lifting low reps makes you bulky. If you wanna get cut, you need to do high repetition sets." And every time I hear this urban myth I throw up a little bit in my mouth, because it's just not true! It's as if people think that if you only do 5 repetitions and then stop (regardless of whether the weight is even relatively heavy or not) you will magically grow muscle. Let's for a moment define what it means to be "cut." To me, being cut means to have...