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Interview with a Trainer: Scott Smith

I have been getting asked a lot this summer, “what do you eat?” and “what’s your workout routine?” As an extension of an article I wrote back in May, I thought I would share in more detail what my fitness and nutrition regimen look like. Feel free to copy it as much as you like and if you are already a client of mine then this should all look pretty familiar.



Scott Interview PicSCOTT SMITH:

Quick Stats:

Age: 32

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 162 lbs.


How did you get started with weight training?

It may sound crazy but I fell in love with weight training from the very start. Back in high school I used to be a skinny 125 pound kid, trying to compete in football and wrestling at a high level. I got pushed around a lot. The summer between my junior and senior year I embraced the program my strength and conditioning coach gave me and worked out harder and longer than my peers. When I reported back in the fall, no body recognized me… and I loved that. I guess I never felt comfortable and confident with who I was until I took that proactive step towards transformation and self development. At the time my intentions were to open doors to success in sports, but I also put a big focus on the wrong reasons (to impress others). Now I work out because it makes me happy. In truth, it wasn’t until I started training with the best trainers in Kansas City that I really turned the corner and felt empowered to “own” my program and exercise my creativity and innovation in a whole new way.

Where does your motivation come from?

Externally, it comes from seeing an athlete or a hot body that I want to imitate. It also, comes from seeing breakthroughs in my own clients programs. Intrinsically, it comes from the major mood boost I get after a tough workout. It comes from all the little rituals I have created that occur before, during, and after workouts. It comes from the feeling of accomplishment when progress is made. It comes from the fact that being fit and healthy has become a HUGE part of my identity and my confidence and happiness is intertwined with feeling my best. I am better in all aspects of life (especially relationships) when I am at my best, so I am very motivated these days to do what it takes to get to that place.

What workout routine has worked best for you?

My workout routine varies quite a bit due to the fact that I love to experiment with new programs and exercises before trying them with clients (as well as for educational nourishment). I don’t think exercise is rocket science and I hate gimmicks but I absolutely believe there is a method behind the madness and for each person it is unique (mostly due to psychological preferences of exercise modality, aka “enjoyment” and “likelihood of adherence.”

Basic principles would be..

1. High intensity over low intensity when it comes to cardio (unless you are an endurance athlete).

2. NEVER sacrifice posture or technique UNTIL you have reached an extremely high level of fitness and proficiency.

3. Lift progressively heavier weights week over week with ample rest/recovery time between.

4. Focus on movements that involve multiple joints and large muscle groups.

5. Work through all three planes of movement, at varied tempos, varied rest intervals, and varied volume.

6. Cycle between high volume/moderate intensity periods and moderate volume/high intensity periods for maximal gains.


A common routine for me looks like this…

MONDAY: Focus on what you want to improve the most. For me thats Chest and Abs.

Flat Barbell Bench Press – Descending rep pyramid (15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) heavy with 3 minutes rest between sets

DB Incline Press – 5x 8-12

Standing Cable Flyes – 3 pump sets with one burnout

TRX Atomic Pushups – 3 x 15

Hanging Windshield Wipers or Strict Toe to Bar Leg Raises – 4 x 12

BOSU crossover crunches – 3 x 20


TUESDAY: Metabolic Conditioning – CrossFit

Whatever WOD my CrossFit gym has planned for me!


WEDNESDAY: Abs and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

20 Minute Negative Split Run (Every 5 minutes I increase intensity) I finish on a sprint.

Stability Ball Straight Leg Raises – 3 x 20

MB Floor Crunches – 3 x20

Decline Situps – 3 x burnout


THURSDAY: Back and Legs

Back Squat – Descending rep pyramid (15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) heavy with 3 minutes rest between sets

Russian Deadlifts – 4 x 8-12

Overhead Walking Lunges – 3 x 20/20

Body Weight Pullups –  5 x 10-15

DB Bent Lawnmower Rows – 5 x 10-15

TRX W – 3 x 15

45 degree Back Extension – 3 x 20


FRIDAY: Chest and Shoulders

DB Shoulder Press – 6 x 10-15

EZ Bar Upright Rows – 4 x 12-15

DB Lateral Raises (or 21’s) – 3 x 12

DB Flat Bench Press – 6 x 12-15 (lighter pump sets with little rest)

Decline Press or DB Flat Bench Flyes – 4 x 12

Single Leg on Ball, Hands on BOSU Pushups – Burnout


SATURDAY:Whatever feel like doing! Usually biceps, HIIT, and lot’s of active stretching (think yoga and Pilates stuff).


Scott Smith Interview 2

If you could only pick three exercises, what would you pick?

1. Squats

2. Deadlifts

3. BenchPress





What is your diet like?

For most of the year I try to exercise moderation and focus on my supplementation and pre/post workout meals. My favorite foods are pizza, pasta, burgers, fries (are you seeing a trend here? I love carbohydrates), but I probably only eat high fat, high sugar, and low nutrient foods (like the ones I just mentioned) once a week tops. Here is a pretty common day for me while training for muscle building.

Meal 1: Rolled oats (or Kashi GoLean Crunch), Greek Yogurt, Banana

Meal 2: Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 3: Kale (or Spinach, Romaine), Low Fat Italian Dressing, 1/3 Pound Ground Beef, 1-2 Cups (Cooked) Quinoa (or Brown Rice), Apple

Meal 4: Post Workout Whey Protein Shake, 1.5 Tbsp Honey

Meal 5: 2 Slices Whole Grain Bread with 1.5 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter (or Almond Butter), Cottage Cheese, 3/4 cup pineapple (or strawberries)

Meal 6: Whole Grain Pesto Pasta with 5 oz. Baked Cajun Chicken, Celery, Skim Milk

Meal 7: Low Fat/Sodium Popcorn, Skim Milk or Casein Shake


What supplements do you take?

Adept Men’s Super Vites (Multi-Vitamin)

Adept Omega-3

Dymatize Elite Gourmet Whey

Dymatize Creatine Monohyrdrate

Muscle Milk Meal Replacement

1MR – Pre-Workout (L-Arginine, Creatine, Caffeine, B-Vitamins)








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