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Scott’s Top 10 Lifts You NEED to Know: #7 Upright Row

Why it made the list (Why you should do them): 

Upright rows are a compound movement that engage the deltoids, trapezius, and biceps. This “pulling” movement adds a nice variety to the many “push” movements and straight arm raises that are traditionally used for shoulder development.

How to do them properly: 

– Whether you use a parallel or staggered stance is really just personal preference here. Regardless, keep your knees “soft” and don’t allow your body to tip backwards (so keep your abs drawn-in).

– Take an overhand grip on your barbell (you may also use dumbbells or tubing) with your hands placed just inside of shoulder width.

– Pull the bar upwards slowly, pointing your elbows toward the side walls until it reaches your collarbone then slowly lower it back to the starting position but do not completely relax your shoulders at any time.

– Make sure to keep the bar close to your body at all times, and keep your elbows ABOVE the bar.

– This exercise is not advised if you suffer from shoulder impingement syndrome.

[embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1ns2imV” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Lm8kOkYO0Rg?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=Lm8kOkYO0Rg&width=560&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5277″ /]



Top 10 Preview

 4 Down, 6 To Go!

I’ve picked these 10 lifts because of their proven efficiency and effectiveness at forcing the body to adapt and change for the better! Some of the variations may be a bit more advanced than you are currently ready to perform, but if you continue to follow this site, I can promise you that regressions will be made available for your learning. But that does not mean you shouldn’t aspire to be able to do these 10 exercises at some point!

If you are/have been a client of mine you no doubtably know some variation of these movements because they are a true staple of my programs. I hope they serve you as well as they have served me!

Please enjoy!

Scott Smith, CSCS

BodySmith Owner


Just a recap so far…  Click on the exercise to watch the video!

#10 Reverse Crunches

#9 Parallel Bar Dips

#8 Stationary Lunge

#7 Upright Row

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