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Scott’s Top 10 Lifts you NEED to Know: #9 Parallel Bar Dips

Why it made the list (Why you should do them): 

Isolated tricep extension exercises are effective at sculpting and strengthening the back of your arms but why not also get the benefit of working your chest and shoulders?

Due to its multi-joint action, higher intensity level and more functional design, this compound movement makes the list at #9.

Dips can be performed on parallel bars (as my video will demonstrate) but can be progressed to more unstable equipment such as rings and alternatively regressed to assisted machines/bands, or done on a bench with your feet on the floor.

How to do them properly: 


[embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/Q7YRFk” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/O7XeVtEpXj8?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=O7XeVtEpXj8&width=560&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3271″ /]


– Place your hands (palms in) on the parallel bars and use your legs to help get you into the starting position at the top. Remember to extend your arms fully while maintaining your perfect posture (shoulders down and back, head tall, chest up, abs pulled in tight).

– Slowly lower your body, bending at the elbow and shoulder until you feel a moderate stretch through your chest and shoulders. Keep your elbows from going straight out to the side (keep them tucked in). It may also help to allow your hips to flex slightly to avoid “free swinging.”

– Drive your head and chest back up (and subsequently your entire body) by extending your arm, squeezing your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

– Finish with that great posture at the top and repeat at a controlled tempo. Be cautious about going to true “failure” as you do NOT want to rapidly over-stretch the shoulder on this move. Be ready to put your feet back down at all times.


 Top 10 Preview

2 Down, 8 To Go!

I wanted to personally invite all of you to follow me over the course of the next 5 weeks as I drop these videos one at a time.

I’ve picked these 10 lifts because of their proven efficiency and effectiveness at forcing the body to adapt and change for the better! Some of the variations may be a bit more advanced than you are currently ready to perform, but if you continue to follow my blog, newsletters, and youtube site, I can promise you that regressions will be made available for your learning. But that does not mean you shouldn’t aspire to be able to do these 10 exercises at some point!

If you are/have been a client of mine you no doubtably know some variation of these movements because they are a true staple of my programs. I hope they serve you as well as they have served me!  Please enjoy!

Scott Smith, CSCS

BodySmith Owner

Just a recap so far…  Click on the exercise to watch the video!

#10 Reverse Crunches

#9 Parallel Bar Dips

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